Credit Application

Personal Information
Salutation est
First Name est required
Middle Name est required
Last Name est required
Date Of Birth est required
Marital Status est required
Social Insurance est
Gender est required
Driver's Licence No. est
Expiry Date est
How should we reach you?
Preferred Method of Contact?

Phone Number est required
Mobile Phone Number est
Work Phone Number est
E-Mail Address est
Current Home Address
Address Type est required
Street/RR# est required
Street Type est required
Street Direction est
Apt/Unit# est
Province est required
City/Town est required
Postal Code est required
Years at Address est required
Months at Address est required
Housing Information
Residential Status est required
Market Value (if owned)Doit être un nombre
Mortgage BalanceDoit être un nombre
Monthly Rent/Mort.requiredDoit être un nombre
Mortgage Co. OR Landlord Name est
Landlord Phone No. est
Previous Home Address
Previous Address Type est
Previous Street/RR# est
Previous Street or Station Name est
Previous Street Type est
Previous Street Direction est
Previous Apt/Unit# est
City/Town est
Previous Postal Code est
Years at Previous Address est
Months at Previous Address est
Current Employment Information
Employment Status est required
Employment Type est
Current Employer est required
Years Employed est required
Months Employed est required
Occupation est required
Work Contact Phone est required
Work Contact Ext. est
Address Type est
Street/RR# est required
Street or Station Name est required
Street Type est required
Street Direction est
Employer Unit# est
Postal Code est required
Current Income Information
Income Amountrequired Must be numeric
Income Frequency is required
Other Income Amount Must be numeric
Other Income Frequency is
Other Income Type is
Other Income Description is
Previous Employment Information
Previous Emp Status est
Previous Emp Type est
Previous Employer est
Years Employed est required
Months Employed est required
Previous Occupation est required
Previous Work Contact Phone est required
Previous Work Contact Ext. est
Address Type est required
Street/RR# est required
Street or Station Name est required
Street Type est
Street Direction est
Employer Unit# est
City/Town est required
Postal Code est required
Financing Information
Financed AmountDoit être un nombre
Term est
Cash DownDoit être un nombre
Monthly PaymentDoit être un nombre
Tell us about your Vehicle
J'ai un véhicule à échanger 
Make est
Model est
Trim est
Year est
KilometersDoit être un nombre
VIN est
Colour est
Condition est

Desired Purchase
Asset Type est
Asset Classification est
Condition est
Year est
Make est
Model est
VIN / HIN / Serial No
Stock Number
OfferDoit être un nombre
Item Request
What type of vehicle are you looking for?
Make est
Model est
Trim est
Colour est
Year (Min) est
Year (Max) est
Price (Min) est
Price (Max) est
Payment Amount est
Payment Frequency est
Down PaymentDoit être un nombre
Demander un autre véhicule
Service Request
Make est
Model est
Year est
Kilometers Must be numeric
Service Notes est
Service Date Requested est
Service Time Earliest est
Service Time Latest est
How did you hear about us?
Please let us know how you heard about us.
Veuillez prendre un moment pour nous dire comment vous avez entendu parler de nous.
Referral Source (Other) est
Customer Comments
Customer Comments est
Disclosure & Privacy Notice

By checking the box below, I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information as described in this paragraph. I agree that the personal information provided above may be used and disclosed by Grafton Automotive Inc. and/or its agents or service providers (collectively, the "Dealer") as necessary to obtain credit, financial and related personal information (including a credit or consumer information report) about me from any credit bureau or credit reporting agency, and to advise me on credit availability in connection with product and/or service purchase financing. I further agree that the personal information provided above may be disclosed to the provider of Grafton Automotive Inc.'s website hosting or related services for the purpose of enabling Dealer to access my personal information for marketing purposes. Personal information I provide and credit information obtained may also be retained by Dealer and used to facilitate the application process should I subsequently choose to apply for credit through Dealer.

I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions above.

Ajouter un co-demandeur ?
Oui, je souhaite recevoir des offres spéciales et des offres de la part de  Grafton Automotive Inc..
Veuillez décocher cette case si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d'e-mails de notre part.

Grafton Automotive Inc. s'engage à respecter la vie privée des personnes et reconnaît la nécessité d'une gestion et d'une protection appropriées de toute information personnelle que vous acceptez de nous fournir. Nous ne partagerons pas vos informations avec des tiers en dehors de notre organisation, sauf si cela est nécessaire pour répondre à votre demande.